Functional Features

Functional Features

In this DIY section, our guides are about the types of projects that must not only look good but also serve an important purpose. With our step-by-step guides, online calculators and unbiased information, we aim to give you a strong foundation to confidently plan and create durable features for your outdoor space with decorative aggregates.

So here's the deal: it's not just about making things look pretty. Functionality is key. Whether it's a sturdy path to lead guests comfortably to your front door, a driveway that can take daily car traffic, or a play area for the little ones to safely enjoy, we've got you covered. Whatever it is, our guides are designed to make each project approachable, even to beginners. You'll gain the knowledge to confidently build these projects yourself or be able to identify when it might be a good idea to call in a little professional backup.

In essence, our mission is always to empower you. With a sprinkle of grit, a dash of determination, and a handful of decorative aggregates, we can help you to turn your landscaping project into reality. Let's make something unforgettable!

Recommended Resources

0.Installing a Gravel Driveway

Easy, Step-By-Step DIY Guide to Installing a Gravel Driveway

Get a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow, DIY guide to installing a gravel driveway that also covers issues others miss, like drainage issues, regulations and proper planning .

0.Installing a Wood Chips Driveway

Considering a DIY, Free Wood Chips Driveway? Read This First!

Find out the fundamentals and issues of building a durable wood chips driveway, including the problems using free wood chip. HINT: It's challenging!

0.How to Lay a Gravel Path

Complete, Step-By-Step DIY Guide on How to Lay a Gravel Path

With a comprehensive yet easy-to-follow format, our DIY guide to laying gravel paths also covers many of the key issues others miss, like drainage or grading.

loose fill rubber mulch in a pile

Laying Rubber Mulch: A Step-By-Step DIY Guide + Calculator

From prepping the ground to laying the loose fill surface, our easy guide walks you through how to install playground rubber mulch, applications, benefits and tips.

There is a world of possibilities for your project. Find all the outdoor aggregates in the one place.